Northlands Conference 2020
Join us in hearing from Dale Mast on Identity! With six sessions, two Q+As, and a guided workbook, we are confident that God will use this time to strengthen your knowledge of your identity in Him.
Northlands Conference | Identity Sessions
NC20 Pamphlet
Session One
Session Two
Session Three
Session Four
Session Five
Session Six
Identity Q + A with Dale Mast
Q + A One
Q + A Two
About Your Instructor

Senior Pastor, Destiny Christian Church
Dale Mast
Dale and his wife LuAnne are senior pastors at Destiny Christian Church. Dale is a friend of Northlands and is anointed to speak prophetically into our God-given identity. We were blessed to come have him speak at Northlands Conference to share what God has put on his heart about our individual identities. Dale has authored several books including And David Perceived He was King, Two Sons and a Father, andThe Throne of David. Learn more about Dale here!