Improve your communication skills with this e-course
Want to be a better Bible teacher? Communicator?
Get started today!
This e-course is designed to provide you with practical tips to improve your communication skills as well as a basic grounding in important theological concepts. Whether you're a seasoned preacher or someone who is just starting out, this course is for you.
1| The Yoke of Truth
2| Canonology
3| God is a Communicator
4| Original Intent
Principles of Interpretation
1| The Context Principle
2| The First Mention Principle
3| The Comparative Mention Principle
4| The Progressive Mention Principle
5| The Complete Mention Principle
6| Proof Text
Principles of Communication
1| The Four Layers of Preparation
2| Helps & Hinderances
3| The Focus of a Sermon
4| The Authority by Which We Preach
5| Using Illustrations
6| Types of Illustrations
7| Three Drivers
About Your Instructor

Senior Pastor, Northlands Church
Greg Haswell